Our work



Great Southern Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy

What we delivered

  • Context and trend analysis

  • Vision and goal setting

  • Stakeholder and customer engagement and insights

  • Strategy writing

The Great Southern is a burgeoning creative hotspot that has fostered some of Australia’s greatest talents. The region needed a strategic framework to guide investment and industry capacity building.

INK developed the inaugural Great Southern Arts Culture and Heritage Strategy to guide the region’s positioning as a nationally significant cultural region. The Strategy improves the visibility and understanding of the value of arts, culture and heritage across the region, builds local economies and industry capability, and provides a strong foundation in its evolution as a cultural tourism destination.

Ink Strategy developed the Great Southern Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy for the Great Southern – the first of its kind in Western Australia. Their engagement processes were extremely effective, and the strategy was well received by diverse stakeholder groups. The project Steering Committee was extremely impressed by INK’s professional approach, responsive and adaptable service, and the overall project outcomes
— Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Great Southern Development Commission