Swan River Trust / DBCA
Stakeholder perception review
What we delivered
Stakeholder engagement
Board facilitation
Strategic review – communications and stakeholder perception
Narrative development
The Swan River Trust (SRT) plays a vital role in future proofing the Swan and Canning rivers – ensuring the longevity of Perth’s thriving and cherished waterfront recreation and Western Australia’s diverse and resilient ecosystems.
With a refreshed Board, and in response to the DBCA Agency Capability Review, SRT sought to better understand the views of its stakeholders and effectiveness of its community-facing communications.
INK led engagement with public and private sector stakeholders to understand perceptions of the SRT’s current role, function and impact. Through a series of Board working sessions, we aligned SRT members at a strategic level on intended future positioning for the Trust, and developed a series of recommendations including narrative development, stakeholder and industry engagement and website review.