Our work

WA Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy


Visioning, facilitation, narrative and strategy review

What we delivered

  • Workshop design and delivery

  • Facilitation

  • Strategy framework

  • Vision, principles and priorities

  • Narrative and key messages

  • Content development

  • Strategy writing

  • Strategy review

The State’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 was developed in 2019 to guide practice and behaviour change improvements across government, industry and community, tackling the war on waste. Its first five-year review was in 2023-24 and INK developed a strategy framework, new vision and five-year priorities and draft strategy review.

Commissioned by DWER, INK facilitated a visioning workshop with the internal team, developed the new vision and strategy framework and the strategic narrative, key messages and strategy content including direction on visual communications, ahead of stakeholder review. INK developed strong project logic linking consultation outcomes, vision, priorities and roadmap, enabling a clear, actionable and measurable strategy.
