Our work

Integrated Planning and Reporting


Integrated Planning and Reporting

What we delivered

  • Workshop design and delivery

  • Facilitation

  • Visioning

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Strategy review

  • Strategic Community Plan

  • Corporate Business Plan

  • Strategy writing

The Shire of Mount Marshall is in the eastern Wheatbelt and faces challenges including remote location, economic and technology impacts, population stability and continuity of essential services.

A custom strategic framework was required, commensurate with this strategic context, and reflective of the Shire’s finite resources, while positioning it for sustainable progress.

INK developed a bespoke community engagement program to inform the major review of the StrategicCommunity Plan, Corporate Business Plan and Workforce Plan including community survey, Elected Member workshops and stakeholder engagement. The outcomes included measurable strategic priorities with a clear line of sight to community aspirations across the themes of environment, lifestyle, economic opportunity and leadership.

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