Our work

City of Albany Arts, Culture and Heritage Plan


Arts, Culture and Heritage Plan

What we delivered

  • Baseline analysis and mapping

  • Workshop design and delivery

  • Facilitation

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Vision, objectives, outcomes, KPIs 

  • Strategic plan

  • Strategy writing

  • Action plan

The City of Albany’s inaugural Arts, Culture and Heritage Plan defines its ambition as a cultural capital, through cultural identity, creative industries and economies and world-class experiences.

INK developed a baseline assessment to understand the place economy, arts, culture and heritage assets, attractions and programs, capacity and strength of local organisations and future governance needs. Stakeholder engagement informed current state issues and future priorities.

The strategic plan includes a strategy framework, vision, values and key outcome areas, along with success measures and action plan. The outcome is a context-responsive strategy founded in a strong evidence base; visionary in outlook and practical in approach.

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